very-much-whoopy | not-so-sasse peak ski tour
With the weather forecast calling for a snow storm in Western Washington and high winds on the east side, we chose to take on the winds on some lower... // 10 mi . 3500 ft gain. 5844 ft high
floofy cornice central | lichtenberg mountain ski tour
The Smithbrook area had been on my radar for a while because there’s plentiful low angle terrain with open slopes, which is less intimidating for a moderate skier like me... // 9 mi . 2500 ft gain. 5844 ft high
acl recovery | granite mountain
I wrote Part I shortly after my first major hike just under 3 months post ACL surgery and Part II is about 8 months post surgery in a full circle moment back at Granite...
hunting for larches | golden lakes loop backpacking
With the massive Bolt Creek Fire near Index closing Hwy 2 we were optimistic to head up southeast GPW. But driving through the smoke... // 24 miles . 5000 ft gain . 8110 high
double trouble | boston-sahale traverse c2c
Boston Peak sees only about 10 parties on its summit each year. I didn’t believe it until... // 12 mi . 6100 ft gain . 8894 ft high
meet me in the afterglow | eldorado peak overnight
This marks the third time up and down the heinous boulder fields for me. Personally I love boulder fields, but this one has always punched thoroughly each time... // 9 miles . 6700 ft gain . 8868 ft high
years in the making | three fingers lookout overnight
I was first intrigued with Three Fingers Mountain when I drove past Darrington from a short day hike. Looking up, White Horse Mountain caught my attention, but I actually... // 21 miles . 6100 ft gain . 6780 ft high
peas for breakfast | jade and marmot lakes, dip top gap
Jade and Marmot Lakes didn’t get on my radar until much more recently. As someone who chases alpine objectives more than pure backpacking destinations... // 25 miles . 6000 ft gain . 6680 ft high
still aways | stillaguamish peak
It’s not too often I go into hikes and climbs with a low chance of reaching the destination. As someone who likes to be outside for... // 9.5 mi . 3600 ft gain . 5450 ft high
my journey becoming a backcountry skier
In a world where backcountry skiing has become popular, I wanted to share my story. Backcountry skiing is one of many sports ridiculed in inaccessibility from all aspects, yet it still allures lifelong...
checking ’em off | switchback + martin peaks
This is definitely a photo essay. I\'m a bit all written out in terms of trip reports, but this loop-di-loop deserves a space ... // 19.5 mi . 5000 ft gain . 8375 ft high
technicolor larch dream | chiwaukum loop
To write or not to write a trip report? That is always a big question. And this is the third time I’ve been to the Chiwaukum within... // 14 mi . 5000 ft gain . 6530 ft high
long lost lollipop larch loop | chiwaukum via lake ida
Let the larch marches begin. I didn\'t intend for this to be a march. It was supposed to be short and sweet... But I think our hearts... // 14 miles . 6900 ft gain . 7121 ft high
slow and steady | thunder mountain lakes backpacking
I don’t remember how I stumbled upon this campsite, but I’d be lying if Instagram didn’t have a small component of it. I had visited the area another... // 14 miles . 3700 ft gain . 5130 ft high
bang for your buck | north olympics high route
I think I was moaning a little too much about not having an “epic adventure”. My friends, however, got me stoked on doing a high route... // 43 miles . 15600 ft gain . 6950 ft high
rain, rain go away | alpine lakes high route
It was around noon when we pulled into the parking lot of the West Fork Foss Lakes Trailhead. Looking up, we could see... // 27 miles . 6700 ft gain . 6200 ft high
feasting and glamping | goldmyer hot springs backpacking
Glamping at Goldmyer Hot Springs. Naturally, I don’t take things easy and somehow always find a way to... // 22 miles . 1200 ft gain . 2100 ft high
under-represented strength | mt baker via easton
I recently had the pleasure of photographing the first Women of Color mountaineering course on Mt Baker as a collaboration between Trail Mixed and Climbers of Color... // 14 miles . 7500 ft gain . 10778 ft high
hot pa-pahto | north ridge adams
A glorious weather window over a weekend in Washington means a perfect time to go climb a volcano.... The North Ridge is supposedly the second most climbed... // 20 miles . 8160 ft gain . 12276 ft high
alpenglow wonders | ruth mountain overnight
When I’m in charge of planning a backpacking trip, I capitalize on my one goal in life: find and capture that alpenglow... // 13 miles . 5800 ft gain . 7115 ft high